Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 2:15:34 GMT -5
Sunspear is a walled settlement, protected by three massive winding walls encircling one another. Entry to the city is by means of the Threefold Gate, where the gates are lined up one behind the other allowing straight passage, leading all the way up to the Old Palace.
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 3:23:59 GMT -5
Banners clearly displayed, Rhaegar's party of seventy men rides up to the outer gate. They halt and Rhaegar rides forward.
"Prince Rhaegar Targaryen alonng with Lord Jonos Yronwood, Lord Perros Manwoody, Lord Anders Fowler and Lady Alayne Wyl and their entourages request entry to the city in order to seek audience with the Princess." he calls up to the gatehouse in a clear carrying voice.
Post by Vhagar on Apr 18, 2014 5:06:08 GMT -5
The guards looked down at them in surprise. "By what justice does a Targaryen ride with the lords of Dorne? Your kind are not welcome here," the guard serjeant called down. "Speak fast, dragonspawn."
To Rhaegar's horror, he saw two men pick up longbows and nock arrows, aiming at him through the gaps in the ramparts.
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 8:42:18 GMT -5
"I am no friend to Maegor Targaryen and his spawn!" yelled Rhaegar his face darkening not with fear but with controlled fury. He reined his horse and hefted his shield, prepared to take evasive action if they fired upon him. "I am no threat to Sunspear. I'm half-Dornish by blood. These Dornish lords are my friends. Lord Yronwood is my grandfather. Would you fire upon them also - some of Princess Sarella's most powerful vassals?"
[Beginner: Persuasion]
Post by Vhagar on Apr 18, 2014 10:55:46 GMT -5
The serjeant ordered his men to move back.
"I'll not fire on Dornishmen, but we had advance word of your coming. Princess ain't pleased. Dragons ain't wanted in Sunspear. Her orders are to send you away. Begone from here!"
Lord Jonos rode up beside Rhaegar. "Grandson, we may need to try a different tactic. Lady Allyrion has clearly sent word ahead. We must tread carefully now."
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 16:11:14 GMT -5
"What do you suggest grandsire?" said Rhaegar. "Perhaps if I was to wait outside and we send a Dornish deputation to the Princess made up of yourself, Lord Fowler and Lord Manwoody to ask for an audience."
Post by Vhagar on Apr 18, 2014 16:20:34 GMT -5
"I think not. Her Grace will not like the idea of Dornishmen promoting a Targaryen agenda. You will have to think of something else. An offer Her Grace cannot refuse."
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 16:41:04 GMT -5
Rhaegar shrugged his shoulders.
"She knows why I'm here. I'm sure Lady Allyrion's rider would have informed her of my purpose. I don't see what I can do to convince her otherwise, standing here outside the walls. If bringing three of her own lords and the daughter of another - her own bannermen - is not enough to at least allow us to enter the city, then waiting here is futile. Although grandfather, I would regard her refusal for us to at least enter Sunspear as an insult to you and Lords Fowler and Manwoody."
He pulled on the reins of his horse to wheel it around. "If we cannot enter Sunspear, we have no choice but to return to Yronwood and consider our next course of action."
Post by Vhagar on Apr 18, 2014 17:06:41 GMT -5
Lord Jonos frowned. "You would give up so easily, Rhaegar? Your father did not. I am afraid I cannot think well of a man who desires a throne if he will not fight to obtain his desire. I did warn you that the princess would be a tough nut to crack, did I not?"
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 17:49:18 GMT -5
"I am not giving up, grandsire. Just tackling this problem from a different angle." replied Rhaegar. He thought for a moment.
"They will allow our messenger into the city, surely."
He clicked his tongue and spurred his horse out of range of the bowmen. He called for writing materials before penning a letter. When he finished, he turned to Alayne Wyl.
"My lady Alayne. Would you see this delivered to the princess?"
Post by Vhagar on Apr 18, 2014 17:50:49 GMT -5
She smiled easily at him. "Certainly. Why me, though? Are you thinking that a woman would be safer?"
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 17:55:20 GMT -5
"Shall we say less threatening. Princess Sarella is clearly afraid of dragons." he replied to guffaws from some of the men surrounding them. He took her arm and led her away slightly from the group, lowering his voice so the others would not hear. He looked intently into her face.
"There is no one, apart from my grandsire, I would trust more."
Post by Vhagar on Apr 18, 2014 18:19:39 GMT -5
She gazed back at him and nodded. "You cannot send your grandsire, I know. Nor Ser Leo, that would be a death sentence for him. I will do it, for you. Just make sure it's worth my while," she said, with a laugh. "I am not selfless, I'm afraid."
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 18, 2014 18:36:01 GMT -5
Rhaegar clasped her hand and squeezed it "Deliver the letter. Answer the questions you must but no more. I would not have you placed in more danger than need be."
Post by Vhagar on Apr 19, 2014 5:13:37 GMT -5
"I will," she said. "Don't do anything reckless when I'm gone. I would so hate to waste my time." She smiled as she said it though.
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 19, 2014 8:20:31 GMT -5
With regret Rhaegar released her hand. "I won't." he said. "May the Seven protect you."
Rhaegar watched as Alayne rode slowly towards the Threefold gate. He heard her explain who she was and what she wanted.
Post by Vhagar on Apr 19, 2014 8:28:07 GMT -5
Alayne disappeared into the city as the gates swung open. Rhaegar then faced a long wait before her return.
Post by Vhagar on Apr 19, 2014 8:50:20 GMT -5
Rhaegar estimated that over an hour passed before Alayne returned. She was not alone. With her came a dozen men, ten of them in the Martell livery with round copper shields and curved swords. Over their heads flew the Martell banner. Of the remaining two, one was evidently a herald as he announced the leader of the men as Trystane Martell, heir to the Spear Throne. Afterwards, the herald cried "Prince Trystane summons Rhaegar Targaryen forward. He will come alone."
Rhaegar couldn't help but be conscious of the gap between his companions and the city walls where Prince Trystane waited with his escort and Alayne.
Post by Lord Elyas Dryland on Apr 19, 2014 15:32:54 GMT -5
Rhaegar observed two more men emerge from the city, both mounted. One was armed with a lance and the other with what appeared to be a bow. They joined their compatriots across the field, their light cloaks flowing in the air as they approached them.
Ser Aurane and Ser Elyas rode up to where Prince Trystane awaited the Targaryen.
Post by Vhagar on Apr 19, 2014 15:52:35 GMT -5
Lady Alayne winked saucily at Elyas as the two men joined the prince's party. He recalled meeting her briefly during Aenar's rebellion, though they had never been friends. She then eyed Aurane with open admiration. He grinned at her and whispered to Elyas "Watch the dragonspawn careful for signs of treachery."
Post by Lord Elyas Dryland on Apr 19, 2014 16:11:48 GMT -5
Elyas responded to the wink with a slight frown, wondering when she had arrived in the city. He had not seen her at court, as far as he could remember.
"Of course." Elyas replied, scanning the skies for any signs of a dragon.
Post by Vhagar on Apr 19, 2014 16:17:53 GMT -5
There was no sign of a dragon at present.
Post by Lord Jacaerys Velaryon on Apr 19, 2014 17:00:57 GMT -5
Rhaegar ordered his party a bit closer to the city walls, so the gap between where he would be and they were would be less.
He then rode forward alone to where Prince Trystane and his men waited. As he drew near he halted and raised his hand.
"I am Prince Rhaegar of House Targaryen, son of Aenar Targaryen and Jeyne Yronwood." he announced to them.
Post by Vhagar on Apr 19, 2014 17:06:10 GMT -5
"You call yourself prince, yet your father was not a king," Prince Trystane replied. "That seems rather presumptuous of you. Princess Sarella is disinclined to meddle in the affair of dragons. And yet you persist, when a wiser man might have turned back."
Post by Lord Elyas Dryland on Apr 19, 2014 17:09:49 GMT -5
Ser Elyas watched Rhaegar approach, with a look of hatred on his face. He hoped the Targaryen would be foolish enough to challenge Prince Trystane so that he might feather the dragon with an arrow.